Brian Tracy in Nigeria tells ‘why some people are more successful than others’

…says every rung on the ladder of success is a new skill that is learnable


Brian Tracy, one of America’s leading authorities on the development of the human potential and personal effectiveness, on Sunday highlighted what makes the difference between highly successful individuals and others to an elated audience in Nigeria.

Speaking at Daystar Christian Centre in Lagos, the author of best-selling books including ‘Eat That Frog!’ and ‘Maximum Achievement’ said he was born into a poor family and had to set out on the quest as to why some people are more successful than others. In his determined bid to unravel the secrets, he read 66 books on the subject.

“They are more productive; they get more result and they make contribution to the world,” he said of people who are more successful. “If you want to get more from what you do, put more into it.”

On the ladder of success, he said, every rung is a new skill that will help you get more results. “You have more potential than you can use up in your lifetime. You can learn any skill,” he added.

With more skills, you get better, he said, adding that people who are more successful “keep getting better and climb the ladder of success.”

Tracy said the most important quality for success is focus. “If you can focus, you can achieve anything.”

Stating that technology is one of the greatest enemies of success today as it has huge capacity to distract, he said one of the greatest secret of success is to “leave things off; disconnect. Focus on the most important thing. You have to set priorities and focus on those things to get results.”

Task completion – starting and finishing a task – is another quality of people who are more successful than others. “All success comes from task completion,” he said.

Joy is as a result of doing something that improves your life, said Tracy. “Every time you complete a task it makes you happy.”

Successful people are those who have the habit of starting and completing a task, he said, even as he stressed the need to pray to God about one’s desires.

Speaking about the importance of clarity, he said: “If you are clear about what you want, you will start to attract all the resources and people you need to achieve it.”

Writing down goals also set successful people apart from others. “When you write down a goal with your hand, it will be programmed in your subconscious mind.” Quoting Henry Ford, he said any goal can be achieved if you break it down into small tasks.

“Be clear about what you want and focus on that one thing until you get result. What is your most important goal right now?” Tracy challenged the audience. “To achieve the goal you have not achieved before, you need a new skill. Ask yourself ‘which one skill we help me most to achieve my goal?’”

He added: “Be clear about your goals; be clear about the most important skills you need and be clear about the most important tasks that you can do to achieve your goals.”

‘FEMI tweets @asufemi


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One response

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